Albany Primary School

Albany Primary School
Albany Can Do It!


 Christmas at Albany 2023

We had a very busy end to the Autumn term. Children across the school performed their Christmas Concerts which were a great success. We also had our school Christmas Fayre which was very different to previous years and despite the weather attempting to spoil the event it turned out to be a great success and we could have a BBQ and the donkeys visited as planned. It was a lovely community event enjoyed by everybody. We ended the term with our carol service at Albany Baptist Church which is always a lovely event as it provides the opportunity for all pupils to be together.  





Big Schools Birdwatch

In January our environmental committee visited Llanishen Reservoir as part of the Big Schools Birdwatching week. They enjoyed learning about the different species of birds and why they choose this as their habitat.

 NSPCC Number day
On February 2nd our Curriculum Committee led the school in participating in the NSPCC number day. They used this day to launch TT Rock Stars at Albany (an online maths challenge to help children develop their understanding of multiplication tables).
As a group the children had been trialling TT Rockstars and had pitched the idea to Mr
Howlett who was persuaded to purchase it for the school. The children had lots of fun
participating in number based challenges throughout the day.




 Eid Celebration
On Friday 19th April we held a community Eid Celebration. This was a wonderful event and nearly all our families came along. There was food, dancing, recitations and more… It was fantastic to see all members of our community celebrating together. We also raised £983 at the event. Thank you for your support.